So my transmission on my 2017 caddy xt5 gave me this weird notification that the transmission would not be able to shift soon, i ignored it until it was stuck in my garage. The tow truck guy came and the cadicllac dealer of novi and other places couldn’t see me until november6th I was absolutely not able to wait that long, as I drive a lot, the tow truck guy said he knew a place and I literally took his word for it…. Turned out to be this place and they sorted me out , in two days, and they got me financing for the job that was 1200 but 2500 elsewhere, very happy with my service! I will be bringing my car here from now on Freddy was the guy to talk to always picked up the phone and always kept me informed of what was going on ! Thanks guys! Oh and their lobby is quite nice I could sit there and work while they checked it out Service: Transmission